Friday, May 29, 2009

Illustration Friday - "ADAPT" & Story Collage # 3

Adapt, 4" x 4" collage

As I thought about the word ADAPT, I thought back to elementary school when I learned about the Venus Fly Trap plant and how it adapted to it's environment by evolving into being a meat eater- an unusual adaptation for a plant. Then my my mind went from...meat to meet...and well, this collage is the result.

The background has Italian and German- to represent how each culture adapted a written language. Ditto for the music. After all- isn't everything we do an adaptation of something? The insect behind the Venus Fly trap represents the evolution of the plant/animal what ever you call a Venus Fly really is quite a weird living organism! This is also # 3 in my Story Collage series.

Each original Story Collage is for sale for $5.00 each via Paypal. Please contact me if you would like to purchase. All will be signed on front and back with date. Each will come in a transparent package and mailed to you in a bend proof mailer. Shipping in US is $1.50 for one collage, add $.50 for each additional collage.(Outside of US is more) Thanks!


click to enlarge

Once I finished the first collage, I decided to redo it a little differently- Using a photo reference, I digitally drew the Venus fly trap with the fly using my wacom tablet. Then I added a watercolor background and a close up photo of a dragon fly. Same theme...sort of...but now a digital collage.


Katherine said...

Very creative! Love it!!

Rui Sousa said...

Great composition, a really nice work you have here! very nice structured !

Kathy2eggs said...

Wonderful!!! I love how you explain the reasoning behind your work...
Just fabulous!

Coreopsis said...

Way cool collage! I really like looking at it.

Lori said...

very cool !

Karen Salva said...

these are all fun new collages and I would love to do one a day. This one really cracks me up! Keep up the good work and the fun!

lil kim said...

haha, very good!

Asja said...

beautiful work!