Monday, May 17, 2010

do you want some cheese with your whine?

about as good as it gets with my current camera

OK, I am whining...I want a better camera. I love the one I have 90% of the time, but I cant get those amazing close up from a distance with my current camera. I want to be able to take a picture of a bird at a distance of 20 feet and get a sharp amazing picture. Playing with the camera I own, which is a digital Sony Cybershot, I just can't get that kind of picture.

I know nothing about Digital SLR cameras, which I am guessing is what I need to take the kinds of photos of which I speak. Time to do a little research...

BTW- this cardinal lives right next to my deck. He and his female companion are out there most of the day. How cool is that? And they are there year after year...sigh...

1 comment:

Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson said...

Oh that's a great photo! I love that pose from above, it's really an interesting angle. Would make a nice small bird collage! LOL