Friday, February 27, 2009

Published in Digital Studio!

I was very excited to receive my copy of Spring 2009 Digital Studio. I was given one page (that being page 102) to show some digital artwork I created. I love computer art as well as getting messy with paint and paper.

For years I worked in the pharmaceutical industry and it is very 'clinical'. Most designing was very technical, very dry and very medicinal, so to play in Photo shop and Illustrator with color and funk is a real treat! I am very honored to be in the magazine!


JillzWhimzy said...

Congrats Elizabeth your are well deserving! I adore your Narrative dolls too!


hot dang !! you're in the spotlight !!! woo hoo...happy dancin' for ya !!!

Judy Streger said...

OMG. I hope you'll be wearing your tiara tomorrow. You are the Queen of digital. Bring the magazine with you so we can all enjoy your article up close and personal.

Karen Salva said...

Congratulations! I am loving being able to pick up these wonderful publications and seeing the names of people I know and call "friends"!

(so now if I have a digital question will there be a charge? :)

Kelly McIntyre said...

Who is the Queen of digital??? You are!!! I'll be looking back one day pointing at the TV saying, I knew her when!!!

Congrats for another feather in your cap!

Anonymous said...

Congrats sis .... Love both of these.... your list grows!