Issue two is out of a wonderful magazine called "Where Women Create" . I love this magazine. The first issue sold out. I guess I am not alone in my voyeuristic longings to see other art studios. The photos of artist studios are sexy with their lighting and oh-so-perfect set ups. The studios are works of art in and of themselves. Everything matches, all is color coordinated and light, space and tranquility abounds, giving the muse a palace in which to play.
In that spirit, I've decided to let you see a peek of my studio where I create
and where my muse abounds...
I dont think the publishers of "Where Woman Create" will be knocking at my studio door anytime soon...
looks like you have a lot of fun toys to play with :)
I'm right with you would take weeks for me to clean/straighten/organize my two rooms of studio/kitchen/tables for anyone to want to photograph my place...and yet I have a ball playing in all my mess.
Creative people are NOT neet!!! (yes, I know, it sounds like sweet)
But then studios are to work/play in, not for photo shots. I am sure they look the same when the artist is working.
I too love looking at others' studios. I think some of the magic that happens will, by osmosis, come through the photo! Then I will do better work or at least have a more organized space!
Phfff...unfortuntely these Somerset magazines aren't sold this side of the pond so if I want it I have to pay as much in shipping as the magazine costs. But your post is really, really tempting me. Like you I like to see what other artists work areas look like.
I like your studio shot. It's real. Like the Velveteen Rabbit. :)
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