Most factories were abandoned because of WWI.

There are several reasons that explain my recent love affair with old German doll parts:
- they are old - most are 100 years and older
- they were dug out of the ground-rescued and so they have a wonderful patina that cannot be made any other way then to sit in the ground for 100 years or so.
- each doll has it's own personality-really- if you look at the doll heads, each has a look- regal cute, silly, serious, just like people.
- they are wonderful to use in mixed media work.
- fun to collect
- relatively inexpensive - a non-damaged doll part of same age and quality cost 10x the price or more! non-damaged tiny dolls can sell in the hundreds of dollars!
- I love the story behind them - in the late 1800's and early 1900's there were many German doll factories. When making the dolls in molds, there were always rejects. These rejects were tossed into a large wood bin. When the bin got full, a worker would take them outside and bury them as a way to get rid of them. They would return the empty bin and keep filling it- over and over again, over many years. Fast forward to now- the old abandoned doll factories are being explored by the locals and they are finding the doll parts. There is a particular part of Germany that made the dolls in the factories. Someday I would like to visit that area.
My newest shipment of doll heads arrived yesterday from Germany.
I have posted several for sale in my etsy shop.

The info is soo cool....I just love the broken ones..can't wait until you get the tiny ones again.
What a wonderful discovery and reclamation! Broken but still beautiful!
how do you purchase the doll parts directly from germany? i'm interested in collecting some of my own - would love to be able to buy directly from the source!
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