Wednesday, July 8, 2009

net dead yet...

click picture to read caption- too funny!!

I've been working on restoring an old laptop. It's over 7 years old...3 years beyond the expected life span of a laptop hard drive. In computer world, she is a dinosaur. Any minute now, she may explode or simply die. But in the meantime, I tinker... We bought a new laptop to replace this one and she had been sitting idle for some time. Last night (who knows why the spirit strikes when it does?) at 10:30 pm I starting tinkering with this old-timer. She has good bones, so I thought I would give it a go. Being a spare laptop gave me a courage I would not have tinkering on the new laptop, especially with the registry. By 2 am she was running like a top (how does a top run...where do these expressions come from?).

It was actually much easier than I anticipated. I went into the registry and started hunting...found several suspicious .exe files in the Start Up registry and then did a little research. Sure enough, they were all viruses. (So much for Norton anti-virus) I then opened up the editor to edit the register and deleted the bad boys. Once gone, Norton was then able to run again (the viruses had denied Norton online access to update the .dat files, since the code was sitting in Start Up and would deny it access each time the computer booted). Norton ran and found another virus; four viruses in all.

This morning I deleted a ton of old files, old software and did a defrag. I updated software, downloaded flash, acrobat reader and all those necessary programs. I am writing this posting on her at the moment.

So my 7 year old laptop is now running beautifully. She is a little slow...slow being a relative term...when I first bought her over 7 years ago, she seemed so FAST! She is spanking clean and all is well...until she blows up...

P.S. in the picture above- what do you think the steering wheel is for?? I really want one...

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