Friday, May 14, 2010

life is funny like that... I spent the entire day in my studio working on a collage...and this after I posted yesterday that I just couldn't get into making art and was going to take a vacation from art making...amazing how that works...

ha! so much for my art sabbatical...but it FELT DIFFERENT today. I was making this collage for me - for fun. Actually I am making it for a friend, as a surprise. But it's not for sale and so I have no inner dialogue yakking at me saying dumb things like... "will this sell?" or "who would buy this?" or, "hows that marketing coming along?" grrrr...

...I am so over that inner dialogue. It keeps me from making art. It slips away and I get disgusted. Then I decide to leave only to then spend the day making art. Maybe that is part of my process...I need to reach that point of feeling like I fell out of love with art, emotionally walk away from it...only to come running back...And I had so much fun today.

...sounds like a lovers spat if you ask me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree!! Sometimes we have those spells, and then we have to just "make up" and get back to it!!